Thursday, September 11, 2014



In the case of Charles Dyer, a man, a Marine who bravely served his country with HONOR. He came home and took a hard look around and was NOT happy with what he saw. As the rest of us, Charles was disgruntled with a corrupt Corporatocracy, fused with what he saw with his own eyes, an "out of control" Federal Corporate Conquest. Another famous marine General Smedley Butler coined the phrase ...... "War Is a Racket", and authored an enlightening book......I highly everyone. It should in fact in my opinion be required reading in High School.

Charles, did as any patriotic American would do. He found brothers, and came together to stand FOR the rule of law, but in todays environment, 

"Truth Has Become Treason in the Empire of Lies" 
- Ron Paul

But what is is, if it is not our moral and ethical responsibility to stand up and yell when we fully believe an injustice has been done ? It is not merely a situation that we "should", but that we absolutely "MUST" do something.  The Oath we took to the Constitution, was the "Original", and not the CORPORATE CONSTITUTION under 14th Amendment Citizenship.

So allow us to pass the "racial question" that some would simply love to attack Patriots with as if there were much truth to prejudism.   In a fox hole.....the enemy does not care what color I am.....all they see is Red White & Blue..... and all I see is a "brother in arms'. If he wear the Emblem of a United States Marine......what else should matter ?

But a travesty has been done in the name of a "free people' and the very same jurisdiction we all oppose and call "corrupt" and "without honor", they twist and turn and call US anti-Government, while all the while it is they a very long time ago, who USURPED the Supreme Law of the Land, and took us from "Constitutional to Corporate. It is how the modern day American Debt slave CITIZEN and PERSON came to be.       I fight this jurisdiction.....I stand opposed to it for Charles in his stead.....and for everyone like him caught up as political prisoners and as they do.....they deviously defame our names.....and throw us in jail and charge with crimes that cause people to turn their backs in fear and a fear of being associated with the allegations.....but even when they have EVIDENCE to support Charles Dyer's INNOCENCE .....they continue on.  Why ?
Because of what Sgt. Charles Dyer stands for.......and what they have no hope of standing for.....HONOR
You will find NO HONOR in the current Justice Department. Holder who runs to Ferguson, but a White Veteran is pummeled by a crowd of African Americans and nothing and the Chief says "not a hate crime'.......Holder is silent......and a fraud....if he were real, it would not matter which ethnicity anyone was....merely that a crime had taken place based on racial hate and THAT is the reason the Justice Department is supposed to bring Justice....but alas.....naut.
It is to bring OBAMA JUSTICE !  And racial divide. I am happy that a riot did not occur with the Marine that was heated until brain damaged. I do not wish for that....absolutely not. But the press is a silent chirp chirp.....and that is NOT acceptable. They are directly guilty for contributing to the racial divide and biased treatment that will not be tolerated. They have been and are committing treason against the People of this country.....they were to be a check and balance and they have become either Corporate whores or Agents of the State Ministry of Propaganda. I mean.....was it not Homeland Security that hired the former head of the Russian STASI to consult on Fusion Centers ?
Yeah....that was going to turn out well.

And the director of Homeland Security? A dual citizen of a country that has been caught stealing the Top Secret Nuclear Schematics and material ?
Forget all of the anti-Religiosity speak.....there is a separation of Church and State we get jammed down our FORGET FAITH.... 
for a moment......
The Government this man comes from as a dual citizen, has taken part in spying against the United States of America......which makes the Department of Homeland Security now, nothing more that a compromised Corporation and subsidiary of the Federal Corporation, as corrupt and filled with International Conflicts of Interest of Biblical proportions. 

And all the while they screw up the rest of the world....instead of perhaps listening to a voice of common sense.....DIeBold assures Ron Paul will NEVER see the White House.....and therefore men like Sgt. Dyer and myself.....become necessary Revolutionaries to oppose tyranny as did the men that came before us......but they had at very least an honor amongst the worst thieves.....and they would not directly bear open and blatant false witness against another in War.....and we are in many ways at War......they have been at a steady legal state of Martial Law since the Civil War and the 14th Amendment was attempted to be rejected, and continued on through to the Act of 1871.

Planned ....and deliberate debt enslavement via Central Banks.....this is NO Conspiracy was a factual Conspiracy.....there is a difference these days .....the days that they ever more "change the language".     But then again.....thats how they took over....LEGALESE & A GUN ! 

As I said.....and will reiterate.........NO HONOR - AMONG TREASONOUS RATS ! 

May the Good Lord be with us all......
Give Me Liberty.....Or Give Me Death !!!

Resurrect the Republic / Dirty Uncle Sam 


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