Tuesday, October 21, 2014

RTR TRUTH MEDIA - EBOLA WARNING from VETS TODAY - Gordon Duff (Subject to National Security Hack!)

By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor


 Editor’s note: Veterans Today came under a massive assault from the US Army Signals/Hacker Corps at Ft. Huchuca after this was published.
Only 2 reads, and down the site went. Something on here is very secret. Information on this site is directly sourced from an intelligence agency of a close US ally who is very upset that they have discovered the US involved in something extremely dirty and very dangerous.g

This is what we have reason to believe: There is an organized terror plot on behalf of financial entities to spread Ebola through the United States. We believe airlines and hospitals are part of it, that Homeland Security and the TSA are involved.
I look on this as an analog of the “Crotch Bombing” in Detroit, Christmas some years ago when a filthy, mumbling and penniless (son of a millionaire CIA asset) Nigerian flew from Yemen to Ghana to Nigeria to Amsterdam to Detroit without tickets, a passport or visa, luggage or even a recent bath.
He flew first class.
At some point during his trip, airport security officials gave him a bomb, we believe at Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam.


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